The 6 Different Types of Editing
Did you know that there are actually 6 different types of editing? To help us get a better understanding of all six types of editing, we will compare the writing of a book to the building of a house. Developmental Editing Developmental Editing is also known as “conceptual editing” or “manuscript appraisal.” This stage of editing is usually conducted very early on in the writing process (primarily during the outline stage). A developmental editor will look at your topic, intended audience, and outline and provide you with feedback about your concept or idea and its overall organization. This is the “blueprint” of our house. Evaluation Editing Evaluation Editing is also…
What skills does my child REALLY need to be successful?
This was a question that I asked myself when I first started my homeschooling journey. At the time, I was teaching Algebra 2 in my local public school, and I realized that most of the skills that we were teaching in that class were not relevant or useful in real life. So I started to research about which skills are required in order to be successful in today’s modern world, and these are the top 5 skills that I found: Effective Communication Critical Thinking Problem Solving Collaborative Teamwork Character and Soft Skills In every article that I read or scientific study that I researched, I kept coming back to these…
Learning can and should be “all fun and games” because we learn best that which we learn with joy! Here are some of my family’s favorite games to play. Active Games Board Games Card Games Classic Games Cooperative Games Dice Games Nature Games Video Games Active Games Board Games Card Games Classic Games Cooperative Games If your child is as competitive as mine, try out some cooperative games where you all have to work together in order to win! These are some of our favorites. Dice Games Nature Games Video Games If you are interested in learning more about Gameschooling, check out this website. Feel free to comment YOUR favorite…
Emotions Your Child May Be Experiencing at the Dinner Table
Have you ever thought about the kinds of emotions that your child may experience at the dinner table? For some children, meal time with the family is a happy and enriching experience. However, for many children, meal time triggers feelings of pressure, guilt, shame, and even fear. Pressure Children may experience internal or external pressure to eat certain foods and not eat other foods. Children may experience pressure regarding what they eat or how much they eat. My grandmother was raised during the Great Depression, so she emphasized the importance of finishing every crumb of food on your plate. To not eat everything on your plate was viewed as disrespectful,…
15 Ways to Release BIG Emotions
One of the most challenging aspects of parenting is learning to deal with our children’s BIG emotions – and our own. Oftentimes, we label emotions as “bad” or negative – like anger or sadness. But we need to remember that BIG emotions are not BAD emotions. Perhaps you were punished for expressing a BIG emotion as a child, so you learned to suppress those emotions now as an adult. Perhaps you only saw people around you expressing BIG emotions in unhealthy, destructive, or even violent ways – like yelling, cursing, insulting, isolating, threatening, breaking things, punching things or even people. Perhaps you find yourself expressing your BIG emotions in those…
My First and Last Day
Today was the first day of school for teachers… and quite possibly the last day of school for this teacher. I have been a teacher for over 12 years, and it has been the joy of my life to make a difference every single day with young people of all ages, races, and backgrounds. I have taught Spanish, ESOL, and currently I am working as a special education teacher in one of the largest counties in the United States. Today, I made the decision to go to work with a smile on my face instead of a mask. To my surprise, I was greeted with hugs by several co-workers which…
The Broken Rock
I was washing dishes this evening when I heard a loud BOOM on our sliding glass door. My seven-year-old daughter Sophia was playing in the backyard, and when I looked outside, I couldn’t see her anywhere. All I saw were pieces of rocks broken on the pavement. My knee jerk reaction was anger. I could feel the rage bubbling up inside me, but instead of screaming at her, I took a deep breath and stepped outside to look for my daughter. She was hiding underneath some bushes on the side of our house. I gently asked her to come out. She said that she was scared that she was going…
Beat the “But”
In the wake of COVID, we have had a massive influx of parents and children that are considering alternatives to public and private school for the first time. Many parents and children want to homeschool, BUT it’s easy to get caught up in our reasons and excuses as to why we think we can’t. As peaceful parents, the only “butt” we beat is the B-U-T. So, let’s confront some of the biggest “BUTS” when it comes to homeschooling. I want to homeschool, but… I don’t know how to teach I don’t know if I can teach them ___________. I cannot afford it. I don’t want my kids to miss out.…
My Three-Gift Christmas
When I was growing up, I absolutely loved Christmas! On Christmas Eve, we would read the Bible about the birth of Jesus, and then we would be able to open up one special present – our Christmas pajamas. This was the only night that we were excited to go to bed early because we knew that by morning, our house would be transformed! We would wake up early and go into our living room to find mountains of presents below our beautifully decorated tree. We spent most of the morning opening up each gift one at a time and most of the afternoon playing with our new toys and trying…
Top 25 Worldschooling Books
Whether you are exploring peaceful worldschooling, new to the adventure, or been worldschooling for decades, these are some of the amazing books that can provide inspiration and motivation for you on your journey! The 5-Hour School Week by Kaleena Amuchastegui The Brave Learner by Julie Bogart The Call of the Wild and Free by Ainsley Arment Dumbing Us Down by John Taylor Gatto Free to Learn by Peter Gray Gospel-Based Parenting by Angela Harders Home Grown by Ben Hewitt How Children Fail by John Holt How Children Learn by John Holt How Children Succeed by Paul Tough Sandra Dodd’s Big Book of Unschooling by Sandra Dodd The Self-Driven Child by…