Gospel-Based Parenting
As Christian parents, we strive to apply God’s word in all areas of our lives, but what if we have been misinterpreting His word this entire time in the way we discipline our children? In Gospel-Based Parenting, we will:
(1) look deeply into our own hearts and honestly reflect on our practice as parents,
(2) look deeply into the Word of God and examine our cultural biases and preconceived ideas that have impacted our interpretation of His Word, and
(3) look deeply into the heart of God as our Heavenly Father and be transformed by the gift of grace that He has freely given to us through Jesus Christ.
Each chapter includes a list of discussion and application questions that can be used with your spouse, your small group, or your church. May our lives and our parenting be transformed by the Gospel of God’s amazing grace.
You can purchase a hard copy here or check out this awesome FREE video series based on my book here.
I read Gospel Based Parenting in almost one sitting. What a pivotal book and a valuable addition to any parent’s library. As one who has been so graciously parented by my heavenly Father, I want to pass along this kindness to my own children. This book offers powerful insight for scriptural and practical methods of child-raising that adheres to biblical principles for discipline, training and instruction. I had many lightbulb moments while reading and loved how the author brought it all back to the gospel of Jesus Christ. I look forward to her next book!
I loved reading this book because it was very eye opening to see a different style of parenting. The comprehensive research of the biblical applications is very informative. The stories that are shared are a wonderful example of how to have help your child understand and respond positively to corrections and are biblical based. It is easy reading and so informative about parenting skills. Excellent reading!
Barbara H.
Loved this book! I could hardly put it down as I was reading it! Every Christian parent can benefit from this book!
This book helps us to dig in and examine what the Bible actually teaches, rather than just what is culturally acceptable, even among Christians.
This book with definitely challenge and encourage you on your journey to parent with a focus on the Gospel!
This book changed my discipline views! Get it!!!
I learned so much from this book. Things about discipline that I’ve believed for so long, I’ve changed my perspective on! I’ve been using the examples in this book with my 2 year old and have definitely seen positive changes so far in us both!
Amazon Customer
Lee Ann Mancini Video Reviews from Lee Ann Mancini on Vimeo.