
  • Education,  Worldschooling

    Beat the “But”

    In the wake of COVID, we have had a massive influx of parents and children that are considering alternatives to public and private school for the first time.  Many parents and children want to homeschool, BUT it’s easy to get caught up in our reasons and excuses as to why we think we can’t.  As peaceful parents, the only “butt” we beat is the B-U-T.  So, let’s confront some of the biggest “BUTS” when it comes to homeschooling. I want to homeschool, but… I don’t know how to teach I don’t know if I can teach them ___________. I cannot afford it. I don’t want my kids to miss out.…

  • Education,  Worldschooling

    Top 25 Worldschooling Books

    Whether you are exploring peaceful worldschooling, new to the adventure, or been worldschooling for decades, these are some of the amazing books that can provide inspiration and motivation for you on your journey! The 5-Hour School Week by Kaleena Amuchastegui The Brave Learner by Julie Bogart The Call of the Wild and Free by Ainsley Arment Dumbing Us Down by John Taylor Gatto Free to Learn by Peter Gray Gospel-Based Parenting by Angela Harders Home Grown by Ben Hewitt How Children Fail by John Holt How Children Learn by John Holt How Children Succeed by Paul Tough Sandra Dodd’s Big Book of Unschooling by Sandra Dodd The Self-Driven Child by…

  • Worldschooling

    What is Worldschooling?

    Worldschooling can be simply defined as “the world is our school.” Worldschooling comes from the philosophy that the best learning is the kind that happens outside of the four walls of a traditional classroom. Instead, we view the world as our biggest and best classroom and the people in it as our greatest teachers. Peaceful Worldschoolers view the world as our biggest and best classroom and the people in it as our greatest teachers. Angela Harders Whether we are traveling to a country on the other side of the world or to the woods in our backyards, there is something to be learned from every place and from every person…