6×9 Book Template
Everyone who knows me knows that I’m a “Google Girl.” I use Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Forms for everything! So, of course, when I started writing my first manuscript, I used Google Docs.
However, after I finished writing my first book, I realized that Google Docs just couldn’t do all the things that I needed in order to have my book look nice and professional.
I couldn’t change the page size to be what I needed.
I couldn’t mirror the pages to show the right and left pages of a book.
I couldn’t alternate the headings or footings of the book to show the chapter and book title on the different pages.
After trying for DAYS to figure out a solution, I finally gave up Google and converted my book to a Word Doc.
This was a looooooong and tedious process for me (several weeks worth of work), and I would hate for anyone else to go through the misery and frustration that I did, so I decided to simplify my life and yours by creating my very own Word Template for a 6×9″ book that will give you the opportunity to only worry about the most important part of a book – your content!
Download your own 6×9″ Book Template for Microsoft Word and start writing your story today!
This download includes:
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Dedication Page
- Table of Contents
- Introduction
- 15 pre-formatted chapters (with page numbers and headings)