The Power of PMAs
The Power of PMAs: An Introductory Guide to Private Membership Associations is an invitation to a whole new level of faith and freedom. This book is the property of PAX Ministries PMA and is intended only for members of the PAX Ministries PMA. By continuing to read, you are consenting to becoming a member of PAX Ministries PMA and to abiding by all the terms and agreement listed here: https://peacefulworldschoolers.com/membership-terms-and-agreements/.
PMAs are nothing new, but the knowledge of the Power of PMAs is new to most of us. It is important for us to continue to take responsibility for our own education. As a certified PMA Power Advisor, I (Angela Harders) am eager to share with you the knowledge that I have gained about PMAs in hopes of contributing to your own self-education as well as serving you through the proper preparation of your founding documents.
In this book, you will find the answers to the following questions:
- What is a PMA?
- What is the history of PMAs?
- What are the pros and cons of a PMA?
- What is the difference between the public and private domains?
- Who can or should create a PMA?
- What are the different types of PMAs?
- How is a PMA created?
- What is the problem with a 501(c)(3)?
- Can my business be a ministry?
- How much does it cost to start a PMA?
- Special Considerations: Private Health Associations (PHA)
- Special Considerations: Private Education Associations (PEA)
- How can I learn more about PMAs?
While I will provide you with ample resources through which to begin your journey of faith and freedom, I cannot put in the work for you. However, I will be here to support you along the way. If there are additional questions that you have that I have not covered in this book, please email them to me at: PAXMinistriesPMA@gmail.com.
You can also sign up here for the FREE Power of PMAs self-paced online course based on this book.
This book and any additional content that I create is not meant to serve as financial or legal advice. For specific financial or legal questions, please be sure to seek the counsel of someone who is qualified to advise you in those areas and is familiar with PMAs. This book may also contain errors and omissions.