The Power of PMAs
The Power of PMAs: An Introductory Guide to Private Membership Associations is an invitation to a whole new level of faith and freedom. This book is the property of PAX Ministries PMA and is intended only for members of the PAX Ministries PMA. By continuing to read, you are consenting to becoming a member of PAX Ministries PMA and to abiding by all the terms and agreement listed here: https://peacefulworldschoolers.com/membership-terms-and-agreements/. PMAs are nothing new, but the knowledge of the Power of PMAs is new to most of us. It is important for us to continue to take responsibility for our own education. As a certified PMA Power Advisor, I (Angela…
Tales of a Toxic Teacher: Exposing the Cycles of Abuse Within Our Schools
Every teacher begins their teaching career with a desire to make a difference in the world through making a difference in the life of a child (or perhaps thousands of children). However, most teachers quit within the first five years. Why? Because toxic systems produce toxic results. Tales of a Toxic Teacher shares the true story of some of the shocking experiences that happen behind the closed doors of a public school classroom. This inside look at the toxic schooling system reveals the cycles of abuse that impact both teachers and students alike with destructive and even deadly results. To change the current paradigm of public education, a first…
Reading and Typing eBook and Online Courses
Did you know that the average person types about 40 words per minute (wpm)? However, the average child types between 3-10 words per minute. But not being able to type is the modern day equivalent of not being able to write with a pen or pencil. By typing 3-10 words per minute, it could take one hour for a child to type just one paragraph, but that same paragraph could be typed in about 5 minutes if the child knew how to type quickly and correctly. Most typing courses begin with the home row keys: asdfjkl;. They are repetitive, boring, and meaningless. As a reading teacher, I knew that there…
6×9 Book Template
Everyone who knows me knows that I’m a “Google Girl.” I use Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Forms for everything! So, of course, when I started writing my first manuscript, I used Google Docs. However, after I finished writing my first book, I realized that Google Docs just couldn’t do all the things that I needed in order to have my book look nice and professional. I couldn’t change the page size to be what I needed. I couldn’t mirror the pages to show the right and left pages of a book. I couldn’t alternate the headings or footings of the book to show the chapter and book title on…
Gospel-Based Parenting: A Biblical Study on Discipline and Discipling
As Christian parents, we strive to apply God’s word in all areas of our lives, but what if we have been misinterpreting His word this entire time in the way we discipline our children? In Gospel-Based Parenting, we will: look deeply into our own hearts and honestly reflect on our practice as parents, look deeply into the Word of God and examine our cultural biases and preconceived ideas that have impacted our interpretation of His Word, and look deeply into the heart of God as our Heavenly Father and be transformed by the gift of grace that He has freely given to us through Jesus Christ. Each chapter includes a…
The Wonderful World of Peaceful Worldschooling
Welcome to the Wonderful World of Peaceful Worldschooling. In this book, we will explore answers to the following questions: What is Worldschooling? Who can be a Worldschooler? How can I start Worldschooling? How will my children learn to read? write? do math? Will my child “get behind”? Can we really live a life that we love? All these questions and more will be answered in this eBook, The Wonderful World of Peaceful Worldschooling.